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Have you got your ticket?

Saturday 20th July park entry is ticket only!

Tickets are available online and in person through our ticketing partner
The Albany Theatre

Please note that:
  • Ticket prices will increase from 5pm on Friday 19th July 2024. 

  • No tickets will be available to purchase from the event site.

  • There is no parking at the War Memorial Park (see FAQ's for parking).

  • Photo ID will be required with all tickets on arrival to the event. 

  • Searches will be in operation at the event.  

  • No dogs allowed with the exception of service dogs.

Ticket policy: Terms and conditions

These conditions govern all tickets issued for the Coventry Caribbean Reggae Fever 2024 and the admission into the event site. They should be read in accordance with the conditions of our official ticketing agent, The Albany Theatre.


All tickets are issued either by us or on our behalf. Any person who purchases, possesses, uses, or attempts to use any ticket shall be deemed to have accepted and agreed to comply with these conditions.


'Authorised Person' is anyone who is part of the Coventry Reggae Fever Staff, Security or Stewards.

Tickets (Saturday only, Sunday is not ticketed, however conditions of entry still apply)


  1. Tickets can only be purchased through the official ticketing agency of Coventry Reggae Fever CiC or through the allocated box office (The Albany Theatre, CV5 6JQ). NOTE: No tickets will be available for sale at the event site.

  2. The maximum number of Concession Go CV tickets sold per person is four.

  3. The Go CV cardholder who purchased the Concession Go CV tickets must be in attendance at the festival and all Concession Go CV ticketholders in the group must arrive together.

  4. Proof of identity or Go CV status may be requested upon entry for those entering with Concession Go CV tickets.

  5. The maximum number of general tickets sold per person is six.

  6. A confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address once the ticket has been purchased.

  7. There will be no resale of tickets. You are also unable to transfer tickets. Any tickets, that have been offered for sale or transferred, are in breach of these conditions and may be cancelled and any person seeking to use the ticket may be refused admission to or be evicted from the event site without refund or compensation.

  8. Free of charge carers tickets are available for those who need an essential companion onsite, please email with your supporting document to obtain this ticket. One free carer ticket can be claimed per paying customer who requires an essential companion onsite. The person using the carer’s ticket must arrive at the same time as the paying customer. Any of the below can be used as evidence that a carer is required. Coventry Reggae Fever staff reserve the right to request to see evidence upon arrival.

  • DLA letter –Any level to use the onsite access facilities. You will need to submit the middle/higher rate for a free PA/Carer ticket.

  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - Any level to use the onsite access facilities. You will need to submit enhanced daily living or mobility rate for a free PA/Carer ticket

  • Front page of Attendance Allowance letter (no specific rate required) 

  • Evidence that shows you are registered severely sight impaired (blind) or deaf

  • Access Card (also known as CredAbility or Nimbus card) +1 Icon for PA tickets

  • Recognised Assistance Dog ID card

  • War Disablements Pension 

  • Armed Forces Independent Payment 

  • Medical Profession Letter 

  • Blue Badge (For Accessible Car Parking requests only)


Event site: Entry and Requirements


  1. One ticket will be required for each person, regardless of age.

  2. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult (21+). Proof of identity will be requested. A maximum number of 4 persons under the age of 18 will be allowed entry with each adult.

  3. Admission to the event site will only be authorised upon representation of a valid ticket and proof of photographic identity may be required at time of entry. We accept the following proof of ID; Passport, Driver’s license or official ID that contain the PASS logo. We do not accept photos or photocopies of ID.

  4. Concessionary Ticket holders may be requested to provide evidence of concessionary status along with photo ID. Concessionary prices apply if one or more of the following apply to you.

  5. Opening, closing and last entry times are as follows: Saturday 10:30 - 20:30 (last entry 19:30), Sunday 11:00 - 20:30 (last entry 19:30).




  1. Go CV Members are eligible for a Go CV concession ticket if they have a valid membership and purchase a ticket in advance. View the acceptable documents as evidence for addresses and Go CV.

  2. Tickets will be exchanged for wristbands which will be coded according to the type of ticket bought. Wristbands must be worn at all times and can be used to leave and re-enter the event on Saturday and Sunday of the event, subject to further bag checks etc, and subject to the curfew times for last admission each day. Any lost or broken wristbands will invalidate the wristband. 

  3. For the purposes of safety, security and/or checking compliance with these conditions, each ticket holder shall, if requested by any authorised person, co-operate and comply fully with the instructions and guidelines of such authorised person.

  4. Ticket holders may be requested to submit to a metal detecting wand search and/or a search of his/her possessions and/or vehicle for the purposes of locating and removing any prohibited items (see paragraph 12 for more information), and any refusal by the ticket holder may result in refusal of admission to or eviction from the event site without refund or compensation. You are allowed a bag, but it must be no bigger than A4 size. Larger bags may be permitted in special circumstances, but this is at the discretion of the festival management team.

  5. We reserve the right to refuse entry to people who are/have:

    1. Underage and/or unaccompanied by a responsible adult aged 21+ with photo ID.;

    2. Drunk and disorderly;

    3. Abusive;

    4. A broken wristband;

    5. An inappropriate ticket;

  6. We and/or any authorised person may refuse admission to or eject from the event site without refund or compensation any Ticket Holder who:

    1. is noticeably under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or any behaviour-modifying substance, or is behaving, or considered by any Authorised Person likely to behave, violently, harmfully or in a manner contrary to public order and/or safety;

    2. brings or attempts to bring into the event site, possesses or uses within the event site or in the vicinity thereof any prohibited item including, without limitation, chinese lanterns, candles, sound systems, generators, Animals (with the exception of guide dogs), Glass items (including bottles, makeup containers and perfume), Golf umbrellas, Disposable Vapes, Alcohol, Drinks (sealed, unopened 500ml bottles of water will be accepted), large bottles of hand sanitiser (bottles under 50ml will be accepted), Drones, quadcopters or any remote-controlled flying device, portable laser equipment and pens, face coverings (Religious face coverings and medical masks will be accepted) unofficial high vis jackets or tabards, illegal substances, psychoactive substances, nitrous oxide, legal highs, fireworks, flares, megaphones, airhorns, compressed air, aerosols (including but not restricted to deodorants, antiperspirants, hairspray, dry shampoo, spray paint); portable or disposable barbeques/gas/paraffin lamps or any fire/gas related cooking equipment; smoke bombs, flag sticks or banners; signs or materials displaying political, religious, offensive or race-related messages, slogans or images; anything that could be reasonably considered for use as a weapon; professional camera or video recording equipment (including SLRs and anything with a detachable lens) any objects bearing trademarks or other kinds of promotional signs and messages (of whatever nature) which we or any authorised person believes are for promotional purposes (and any Prohibited Items may be removed, confiscated and/or destroyed even if the item itself is not illegal without compensation at the discretion of any authorised person);

    3. brings or attempts to bring into the event site, sells, possesses or uses within the event site or in the vicinity thereof any sponsorship, promotional or commercial items or materials (of whatever nature) without our prior written authorisation (and the ticket holder may be asked to deliver up a copy of any such authorisation upon entry to or whilst within the site);

    4. whilst within the site or vicinity thereof, engages in disruptive, dangerous or violent behaviour including (without limitation) throwing, casting, thrusting or propelling any object at any person, instigates violence, demonstrates racism or xenophobia, behaves in a way that any reasonable person may interpret as provocative, threatening, discriminatory and/or offensive, creates or poses any threat to the life or safety of themselves or any other person(s), or harms any other person(s) in any way, or unreasonably obstructs the viewing of other spectators;

    5. whilst within the Venue or the vicinity thereof, fails to comply with instructions from us and/or any authorised person, or refuses a security search.

  7. Valid tickets will be exchanged for wristbands on entry into the event site. Wristbands cannot be issued until the day / date as stated on the ticket and are only issued directly to the ticket holder. Weekend tickets will need to be scanned on all three days.

  8. Ticket holders must always wear their wristbands whilst within the event site and tickets and/or wristbands must be produced for inspection upon our request and/or the request of any authorised person. Failure to do so may result in the ticket holder being ejected from the site without refund or compensation.

  9. The ticket holder, staff or contractor or guest is responsible for his/her own personal property brought to and into the site. Neither we, the official ticketing agent, the owner of the site nor any authorised person accepts any responsibility for any loss, theft, or damage of a ticket holder’s personal property.

  10. Currently we will not be requiring people to wear masks, or distance or provide evidence of vaccination or negative tests. But this requirement may change in line with national or local direction. We will notify customers who have bought a ticket using the details supplied at time of purchase. Customer will then have the option to continue to agree to this condition of entry or to request a refund.

  11. Anyone with a carers ticket must arrive at the same time as the person they’re assisting.


Refunds and Cancellation


  1. Tickets are sold subject to our right to alter or vary the published Event programme without notification which may result in changes to the performance line-up, performance times or any other aspect of the Event. We reserve all rights in this regard. Any published start times of a performance at the Event are estimates and subject to change. We shall not be liable for any change of a published start time or change to the artists scheduled to perform.

  2. We reserve the right to make alterations to the time, date, duration and Event site of the Event or other details governed by any Ticket in the event of unforeseen or other circumstances.

  3. As soon as we become aware of postponement, rescheduling or cancellation of the Event, all available information will be posted on this website, but it is the responsibility of the ticket holder to keep up to date on all updates regarding the event.

  4. We shall only be required to refund a ticket (on application by the ticket purchaser) with the face value of the relevant ticket, in the following circumstances:

    1. If the event is cancelled before the event has started.

    2. If the ticket is for an event which is postponed before the event has started and the event is rescheduled to another date. In the result of postponement, the ticket holder has the right for a refund of the face value of the relevant ticket.

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Coventry Reggae Fever CIC 2024 ( CRF )
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